Saturday 4 May 2013

30 Day Squat Challenge - Rest Day #1

Thank the lord baby Jesus for this rest day! As you can see above, how many squats I do each day - today is Day 4 so I have completed my 50, 55 & 60 squats, woohoo! On Day 1 I thought I was genuinely going to pass out... I think I got to about 15 squats and thought omg how am I going do this?! But I soldiered through! In the morning of Day 2 I woke up with such bad muscle ache in my thighs I could barely walk but I somehow cracked on with my 55! Day 3 seemed to be relatively easier; I had to do 40 squats and take a few minutes as my legs were killing so bad! I then did my last 20 squats.
I'm definitely not looking forward to tomorrow - Sunday is a day of rest but oh no... apparently not when squats are involved! I will do my 70 squats, just not sure when... Hopefully next rest day will see me dealing with this whole situation a bit better.
Definitely too many ellipses in this post...
Thanks for reading!

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